CA-125 Blood Test is the essential test to diagnose Ovarian Cancer. Infact CA-125 is the tumor test or “tumor marker”. Tumors are treated by surgery and then chemotherapy with Taxol and Carboplatin.
You are responsible for your own health. You should be aware of any abnormal changes in your menstruation. You should seek consultation when there is any abnormality seen. Get second or third opinion if necessary. You are not safe even if you had your annual physical and PAP swear test and did monthly Self-Breast Examination. A PAP smear cannot detect problems with your ovaries. There are people who even had sigmoidoscopy and a bone density test, a hysterectomy and even dentist check. All the tests and examinations could not even diagnose the cancer of a female reproductive organ.
There are females who don’t even have ovaries (removed earlier) but they contacted ovarian cancer!
Medical records estimated that about every 100 women there could be 2 women with Ovarian Cancer.
The normal symptoms are the frequent bloated stomach and constipation with or without diarrhoea. Your doctor usually diagnoses your problem related to gastric or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Your X-ray will be negative. You could be prescribed with gastric medication. You should insist on more tests if your gastric medication does not improve your abdominal problem.
There have been many cases of Ovarian Cancer victims who had never had the simple and inexpensive CA-125 Blood Test.
You should insist on a CA-125 Blood Test every year even your doctors think otherwise.
The normal result for a CA-125 BLOOD TEST ranges from 0 to 35. Any number beyond 35 need to take immediately measure to seek medical attention for cancer. You should have another test done in 3 months. Women should keep a close watch on the test result for fibroid tumors while men with elevated PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigens) test should watch for prostate cancer.
Everyone should diagnose cancer as early as possible. Your CA-125 test done annually could help you in knowing the disease early.
Nowadays, there is no age factor to contact Ovarian Cancer. Women as young as 20 years could have it. Female above 50 are more prone to the Ovarian Cancer.

Photo of the cancer ovaries
Altogether there are 4 tests to perform for a thoroughly examination on Ovarian Cancer. They are Pelvic Examination, Rectovaginal Examination, CA-125 Blood Test and Transvaginal Ultrasound.
Pelvic Exam (or gynecological examination) is the examination of a female's external and internal pelvic organs to screen for cancer and other abnormalities. The examination should consist of examining of the vulva and vagina, a speculum exam of the cervix with Pap test and a bimanual exam and lastly a recto-vaginal exam to feel for abnormalities in the internal organs.
Rectovaginal Exam is to examine part of the pelvic (Pelvic Exam) where doctor feels the internal pelvic organs by inserting one gloved finger in the rectum and one in the vagina. This will be able to detect the abnormalities, including parts of the uterus, ovaries, and colon. Rectovaginal Exam is a good screening examination for ovarian cancer.
CA 125 Blood Test is a blood test used to monitor ovarian cancer patients. The blood test determines the level of an antigen in the blood which is known to be a tumor marker. Most women with ovarian cancer will have signs of the antigen in their blood.
Transvaginal Ultrasound uses sound waves to obtain images of the tissues and organs of the pelvis by detecting cysts, tumors, masses, growth and other abnormalities. It is also use as early pregnancies test. The wand is inserted into the vagina where the images can be viewed on a screen and printed as a hard copy.
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